Saturday, October 15, 2011

Favorites from the 5th month

Mountain Trip with the Royers

This is a late posting, but here are some photos from our August trip to the mountains with the Royers.  Taylor was still in town, and we started the trip up in Aspen where we went hiking and white water rafting.  Then we moved down to Lake Dillon for a few more days, went fishing and bike riding.

Friday, September 23, 2011

More from this month

This is a picture of Ava in the outfit that I came home from the hospital in 32 years ago!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Caught UP!!

Ok, I did some serious work today!  Go back 7 posts to the one titled "the last 4 months" and you'll see the beginning of our last 4 months.  I've put some great photos and videos on line... enjoy!

5th month

And finally we're caught up!  4 months old... the onesie is on the way :)  And so we begin our 5th month and with that we start cereal... what fun!  Here is a video clip of our first attempt at feeding solid foods:
And last I leave you with my newest favorites... she's getting to be such a big girl!

4th Month

Ava's 4th month began with another trip to the mountains, this time so Bob and I could celebrate our 2nd wedding anniversary.  We headed up to Breckenridge for a few days:

This month she really started enjoying play time, her favorite is Mr. Duck.

And the rest of the 4th month was spent here in Denver... and it ended with a bang when Iowa State beat Iowa in triple overtime!

3rd month

Shortly after we got back from Arizona Ava turned 2 months old, and we began her 3rd month on earth- it was kind of a crazy hair day... we've had many of those!

Here are my favorite photos from the month:

And the month ended with a trip to the Mountains with Bruce, Renee and Ali.  Here are just a few photos, but I'll have to do a whole blog on that trip- there are some great photos!

JC Penny photos

At 6 weeks old I took Ava in for some photos... I LOVE them!

Month 2

June 16th Ava turned 1 month old!

It was in this next month that we set out on the big "Ava Tour."  Starting out by driving to Iowa (an adventure in itself!) and then flying to Arizona.

And on July 12th Ava was baptised: